Things to Do at a Baby Shower Without Games

Having attended A LOT of baby showers myself, I can say that I have enjoyed my fair share of games.

However, having a little variation in the traditional way of throwing a shower (ie. skipping some of the games) has made for much more memorable and exciting experiences.

They definitely give your party a different feel.

If you're looking for awesome baby shower ideas and activities that aren't your typical games, then you're at the right place!

This is the ULTIMATE list of non-game ideas and activities that you will not regret including in your shower.

They are fun, hands-on, interactive, and best of all, many of them double up as awesome gifts for the mom-to-be!

So without further ado, here are 12 Neat Baby Shower Activities and Ideas that Aren't Games!

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Disclosure: I have included affiliate links to products that I have used and enjoyed. These are for your convenience. I do receive a small percentage of every purchase without any increase to your own price.

1. Diaper Raffle

I had discovered the diaper raffle when I was pregnant with my first and decided to try it out at my baby shower.

Needless to say, I was set for diapers for at least the first four months postpartum!

I really love this baby shower idea in that it not only saves you a lot of time and money, but it gets you feeling really prepared for your baby.

I am definitely planning on including it at my upcoming shower!

What You'll Need:

  • Description Card that is the Ticket OR Just Include the Details at the Bottom of Your Invitation and Use Raffle Tickets
  • A Prize for the Winner
  • Optional: Cute Set Up for Raffle Tickets and Diapers/Wipes

How It Works:

You include details for participating in the diaper raffle when you give/send out invitations.

You could either include a separate card with the full instructions that can also be the ticket or you could just write it in at the bottom of your invitation and use raffle tickets.

Here are some cute card/ticket ideas that I found, if you choose to go that route:

Your guests have an option of entering into a lottery for a GRAND PRIZE (make it grand!) if they bring a pack of diapers or wipes to your shower.

I purchased a $100 spa voucher for $80 at Costco, but that is not absolutely necessary.

Many moms go with a $50 gift card and that works out just as well (I mean it's not like your guests know what the prize will be ahead of time).

I will say, though, my guests were thrilled and I got more than triple my spendings in diapers (and they know for next time.. and guess what, I'm pregnant again)!

Designate a person who could hand out raffle tickets and collect the diapers/wipes.

If you want, you could either collect the diapers and put them together with the rest of the gifts or you could have a cute set up designated for the diaper raffle.

Here are some cute examples of how that could look like:

Once all the diapers have been collected, you can pick out a winner for the prize.

A super simple baby shower idea that is so worth it!

2. Bring a Book Instead of a Greeting Card

I really wish I found this idea sooner as I received a lot of cards for my first baby shower and although they hold sentimental value I feel that if I had received baby books with the same messages I would have more of a treasured keepsake.

Plus my toddler LOVES books so this one would have helped me start our library!

You can expect that many of your guests will be purchasing cards, so why not have them get a baby book instead?!

What You'll Need:

  • Description Card (preferable) OR Just Include the Details at the Bottom of Your Invitation


The only thing that you really need to do is inform your guests of your preference either in your invitation or on a separate card.

If you want to make it cute you can choose from a variety of wording options.

Then just match it up with your theme!

There are so many options available via Etsy, here are just a few:

I guarantee you will not regret this baby shower idea!

3. Supportive Diaper Messages

This is for all of the diaper changes you can expect to have, especially the middle of the night ones.

I will tell you in advance, changing diapers will get old real quick.

The first few weeks with your newborn will be exhausting so any support that you can get will be much appreciated during those lonely, tiresome nights.

Thankfully moms have come up with the perfect baby shower activity to meet that need, and it's super fun and easy, your guests will love it!

What You'll Need:

  • A Pack or Two (depending on the number of guests you expect to have) of Diapers, Preferably in the Newborn Size
  • Sharpies or Markers
  • Cute Set Up for Where Guests Will Be Writing Their Messages OR You Could Have Them Write Their Diaper Messages from Their Seats

How It Works:

This sweet activity is super easy!

Once you have supplied your guests with diapers and markers, they could write either a funny or supportive message on the diaper for you to later read during those diaper changes.

That's it!

As mentioned, you will need to decide whether or not you want to pass out diapers and markers to your guests at their seats and have your host announce the instructions OR if you would just rather have a table designated to this neat activity.

If you prefer a setup, then here are some ideas for what you could do!

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It isn't an awkward game and mom gets a lot of cool diapers out of it too!

It's a win-win!

4. Have a Keepsake "Guestbook"

Tired of the regular old guest book?

Well, you could have your guests sign these instead!

These ideas are awesome in that they transform the typical sign-in sheet into a beautiful treasured keepsake.

And best of all, your guests will enjoy participating!

Finger Print Canvas


Fingerprint canvases have been becoming very popular alternatives to guests books at baby showers!

Not only are they cute, but they're also simple and fun to sign!

Your guests just add their fingerprint to a lovely canvas and sign their name into it and you could frame it later and hang it up as a beautiful decor piece or use it in your baby's scrapbook!

I lovethis adorable hot air balloon one for my own upcoming baby shower, but there are so many designs to choose from.

All of the designs from this particular seller are customizable to the font, and you choose the color(s) of the print pad you get.

Wooden Letter


You could also get a wooden letter and have your guests sign their name on it.

This is another wedding favorite but it also works very well for baby showers.

If you would like to later hang the letter in your baby's nursery and you don't like the idea of the signatures being a part of the decor you could just have your guests sign the back of the letter and so the memories will still be there without compromising your design.

DropBox Guestbook


A dropbox is another interactive and fun guestbook that leaves you with a keepsake you could either hang up in your nursery or let stand on a dresser.

There are so many options out there but this gorgeous flower print white one is my favorite when it comes to baby showers!

Oh, and it also comes in black if that fits your theme better.

It's personalizable so you choose the letter and it comes with a sturdy frame and ready to sign cork hearts, as well!

All you would need to get it a marker.

Sign a Kids Book

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You could either get a library of books or just pick a favorite book and have your guests leave their name and a sweet message for your baby.

Just make sure to not use markers unless you are using board books or they'll bleed through!

The books that your little one will come to love and enjoy will also hold extra sentimental value later on along the line.

Sign a Onesie

What better to sign at a baby shower than a onesie!

This is also a sweet idea that is super easy to use and cheap to implement.

You'll anyways be buying plenty of onesies so taking one out of a pack won't break the bank.

Ultrasound Signature Guestbook

Another great idea is putting an ultrasound picture into a framed signature guestbook and having your guests sign it.

This sonogram signature framed guestbook is perfect for any baby shower.

This guestbook idea is so incredibly sentimental, I'm sure it will be forever treasured!

5. Baby's First Alphabet Book Activity

An activity you could potentially incorporate into your baby shower is coloring.

By coloring, I mean creating a "Baby's First Alphabet Book".

Coloring is a great alternative to those awkward baby shower games and your guests could do the activity whenever they have downtime throughout the party!

What You'll Need:

  • Printable Alphabet Sheets (this blog has really cute printables for FREE)
  • Markers and Colored Pencils
  • Cute Set Up with Activity Instructions in a Cute Frame and Mini Hanging Clothes Pins
  • Optional: You Could Check Out This Same Blog to Actually Make the Book Using a Laminator and Binder Rings (it's super cute!)

How It Works:

To prep this activity you'll need to print your alphabet sheets along with the instructions for the activity in advance.

Printing on simple paper works fine, but if you want to make this an official little book afterwards you could instead opt for a thicker cardstock paper (especially if you're going with a colored printable).

Also, be sure to purchase the colored pencils and markers you'll be using, or better yet, if you have some already on hand, use those!

Next, you'll have to make an activity station for the drawings to be completed and hung up for display, although it isn't absolutely necessary (if you choose to go this route, you get the perks of having this double up as a party decor showpiece).

For ideas, you could check out these cute set-ups.

You want to make sure that the instructions are clearly visible (frames work great!) and the colored markers and pencils are close by, preferably in a small jar or bucket to avoid the mess.

As I mentioned earlier, if you want to complete this activity you will need additional items to completely assemble it into a keepsake book.

The best easy to follow instructions I found online were in this blog post.

6. Onesie Making Station

The onesie making station is another very interactive baby shower activity that will keep your guests pretty occupied.

You can expect to use a lot of onesies throughout the first couple of years of your baby's life, so why not have personalized ones from your shower?

What You'll Need:

  • White Onesies
  • Fabric Pens/Paint w/ Stencils OR Iron-On Patches (These are really cute!)
  • Hanging Clothes Pins
  • A Table Covering You Don't Mind Getting Messy or Thick Cloth to Iron-On (depends on which decorating option you choose to go with)
  • An Instruction Sign

How It Works:

Create an activity area that matches your theme on a separate table

If you're going with the fabric paint you might want to consider covering it up with a table covering that you don't mind getting a little dirty.

If you choose to go with iron-on patches, try to get a thick cloth that you don't mind ironing over!

Now, there are many different ways you could go about setting up the station.

Here are a few that I found to be very creative and cute!

Since freestyle fabric painting tends to be a lot more messier and, let's be honest, less appealing, you should definitely consider having stencils!

Look at the potential!

You will need to have some sort of sign explaining to your guests how the activity works.

You could either write it on a chalkboard or print it out and hang it up or frame it, it's totally up to you!

Additionally, you might also want to consider investing in some twine and clothespins so that your guests could hang up the onesies once they're finished decorating them.

This will keep things neat and organized and also allow the designs to set it.

Plus, it looks super cute!

Oh, and don't forget about the onesie decorating materials!

Lay them out or bundle them up into holders, that's up to you.

Some Extra Tips!

Try to have some chairs nearby so that your guests are comfortable while they decorate.

This activity can be time-consuming (if you're trying to avoid this, go with the iron-on patches instead!) so you want your guests to be able to sit down instead of crouching the entire time.

If you want your onesies to be ready to wear consider washing them prior to the party!

This was a tip from another blogger but I would probably err on the side of still washing them again because of how many people would be handling the clothes.

Washing, though, will still prep your onesie for the decorating, so still do it!

You could check out some videos on how the stencil application works for a quick, fabric paint station with stencils instead.

This one I found on Pinterest is pretty cool!

That's pretty much it!

Blend this station into your baby shower theme and you're set for both a beautiful display and an awesome activity that both you and your guests will always cherish.

7. Advice & Wishes Cards

Advice cards are much less complicated than the previous activities/ideas, but definitely no less thoughtful and enjoyable.

This super simple baby shower activity, if set up properly, can yield some pretty intimate moments both during and after your shower, that's why I'd recommend incorporating it into your shower!

Since this is done differently at every party, I want to note that you could ask your guests to write advice and wishes for anyone you wish; you, you and your husband, you and your baby, just your baby, or all of you.

It really just depends on what kind of printable card you get as they all say different things.

So, if you have a preference on who you want your guests to write to, just pay attention to what the cards you choose say.

What You'll Need:

  • Printable Advice Cards (ones that match your theme can be easily found on Pinterest OR you could avoid the hassle and purchase cute ones like these)
  • Pens
  • Optional: Cute Set-Up with Instructions (if you aren't going with the standard advice cards that have instructions on them)

How It Works:

All you will need to do is hand out or have someone hand out the advice cards with pens to your guests sometime during the party.

You could also just use them as part of your plate setting so that they're readily available for whenever your guests will fill them out.

Here are some examples of set-ups and card designs so that you could get a head start on thinking about which you would like to have at your shower:

I also mentioned the 'proper' set-up in that I believe that you can really get the most out of this activity if you introduce it with a meaningful example, especially if these cards are going to be written to the mom-to-be.

I will be the first to say that I have thought of different things to write when I hear a thoughtful example of what I could put down vs just having a card that needs to be filled put out in front of me.

If the Advice and Wishes Cards Are Written to Mom-To-Be…

Motherhood only starts at pregnancy and delivery.

There's also postpartum… and BEYOND.

There are sooo many emotions we go through, those first few weeks especially, that having some thoughtful advice and encouragement will be HUGE when a momma feels alone in the night.

So, bring that across to your guests (or have your host do it) and I'm sure you sill get some much-needed to hear treasures that you'll tape onto your mirror for later!

By the way, the same thing goes to writing advice to dad!

Parenthood, overall, is tough.

Any encouragement and advice will be so much appreciated!

If the Wishes (Prayers) Cards Are Written to Baby…

Blessings and prayers are SO powerful, so showering them on a newborn (and mom and dad!) is super important!

Also, keep in mind that these might one day be read by the baby you're writing to, so make them meaningful!

8. Polaroid Photobooth

Ok, I love polaroids and photobooths!

They are literally some of the best ways to capture moments of memorable events.

Why wouldn't you incorporate this into your baby shower?!

What's awesome about this is that it could also work as a non-traditional guestbook.

What You'll Need:

  • Polaroid Camera (make sure to get enough film!)
  • Photobooth Set Up or Backdrop
  • Sharpies
  • Instruction Sign
  • Mini Hanging Clothes Pins

How It Works:

Well, this is pretty self-explanatory.

Your guests take pictures with you, sign their name with something sweet, and hang them up on clothespins for all to admire!

I would also suggest you buy enough film for your guests to be able to take a picture home with them as a memory.

Here are some examples of how this has worked at other baby showers:

9. Bowtie Bib OR Headband Making Station

These activities are very much like the onesie making station (especially the bowtie bib one!).

Your guests will have a blast creating bibs for your little gentleman or headbands for your princess.

The coolest part of all of these type of activities is that mom gets to have loads of cute personalized baby gear that she takes home.

What You'll Need:

Bowtie Bib Making Station

  • Plain Bibs
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • An Assortment of Bowties (you could either buy a pack or DIY)
  • Felt Circles

Headband Making Station

  • Headband Kit OR Buy a Variety of Fabric Flowers and Bows and Headband Elastics)
  • Hot Glue Gun


  • Cute Setup at a Separate Table with an Instruction Sign and a Way to Organize the Pieces (small buckets or boxes are also very cute additions)

How It Works:

Whether you're going with the Bowtie Bib Making Station or the Headband Making Station, the set up is pretty much the same.

As long as the materials are neatly laid out and the instructions clearly visible, your guests will have no trouble getting right to work!

Now the actual presentation for the two can vary so I've found a couple examples of how you could organize everything.

Here is an example of the Bowtie Bib Making Station:

This is a really neat and simple setup.

Bibs around the edge and bowties and felt circles towards the center.

Now, this next image isn't a bowtie bib making station setup, but it does give some more ideas on how you could make a bowtie bib station without actual bow ties.

Here are some bow and tie iron-on appliqués along with other cute pieces, kind of like the ones in the onesie making station earlier, so you don't have to just stick with the bow ties if you don't want to.

And here are some examples of the Headband Making Station:

I love how the like pieces are bunched together in different easy to see through glass bowls.

It makes for a very neat display and your guests don't have to really dig too much since most of the bows and flowers are visible.

This one shows another way you could sort and organize everything.

Now, if you preferred spreading out all of the different accessories instead of stuffing them into bowls, as in this next example, you would need a lot more space.

So, keep that in mind when you go about planning everything out.

Some Extra Tips

Make sure that there's a place where your guests can put their completed projects, a way they could hang them up or put them on display so they don't get mixed up with the other materials.

An idea for the headband making station is to make/set up some tall cylinders that the customized headbands can be wrapped around when finished, just like in the image above.

For the bibs, I like the idea of hanging them up on twine with hanging clothes pinsjust as with the customized onesies.

I want to also make a note that a crafting activity will definitely take up a little more time than a game, so consider the timing if you have a schedule you'd like to stick by.

Oh, and just like with the onesie making station, don't forget the chairs!

You don't want your guests bending over the whole time!

10. Create a Memorable Baby Picture Scrapbook Guestbook

This is a variation of the polaroid guestbook in that it also incorporates part of the traditional 'Guess the Baby' baby shower game.

I got the idea of this type of guestbook from a bridal shower I had attended in which we were asked for a wedding photo and then all of the pictures were later then displayed.

It was really neat seeing everyone's wedding photo and it made for some memorable moments.

The only downside is that not all of your guests may feel comfortable giving you their baby photo, so beware.

What You'll Need:

  • A Baby Picture of Each Guest
  • A Scrapbook
  • Scrapbook Tape
  • Polaroid Camera
  • Pens
  • Instruction Sign

How It Works:

You will first need to ask your guests to send you their baby pictures either on the invitation or over text/in person.

Once you get all of the pictures, get them printed and decide on how you want to prep them.

Just so they aren't significantly bigger than the polaroid pictures, you can either cut the pictures into smaller ovals/circles or you can print them out in a smaller size.

You will also need to purchase all of the other scrapbooking materials like the book itself, the pens, and the tape, and don't forget the polaroid!

For the setup, just spread out the baby photos next to the guestbook and include an instruction sign that directs your guests on what they should do.

  1. Take a Polaroid Picture with the Mom-To-Be
  2. Grab Your Polaroid Picture and Find Your Baby Picture
  3. Tape Your Pictures Into a Page of the Guestbook Scrapbook Along with a Message to the Mom-To-Be

If you're going to do the Mommy Advice cards at your baby shower, your guests could also tape them onto their page, like so.

The baby pictures are sure to keep everyone entertained as they guess who is who.

And once you add in the 'now' pictures with the advice cards, you can expect to have a very sentimental scrapbook guestbook by the end of your shower!

I don't know about you, but this is my favorite type of baby shower keepsake.

It's an amazing way to document your shower and the guests who made the day special!

11. Decorating Blocks Station

Who doesn't love wooden blocks or wooden toys in general?

This is the perfect baby shower activity for the mom that prefers to buy her own baby onesies, bibs, and headbands.

Baby toy-making activities, in that case, are safe and they'll be used and loved for years to come!

The block decorating activity could also double up as another way to introduce baby to the alphabet and numbers, so if you would rather have your guests decorate blocks instead of book pages, this works as a great alternative.

What You'll Need:

  • Plain Wooden Blocks
  • Baby Safe Paint (or Permanent Markers)
  • Baby Safe Varnish (if using paint)
  • Sponge Brush (if using paint)
  • Modge Podge or Glu Stick(if gluing on pieces)
  • Your Choice of Decorating Elements: Stencils(for painting), Letter and Number Stickers (for painting or gluing), Patterned Paper Cut Square Size (a Square Paper Puncher works great!) (for gluing), Stickers (for painting or gluing)
  • Cute Setup with Instruction Sign (and if you're using paint don't forget to cover your table with something you don't mind disposing of afterward)

How It Works:

The set up of the block decorating activity really depends on how you want the woodblocks to be decorated.

If you're painting with stencils and sponge brushes, you'd have to take into account the messiness potential and make sure that your table covering is disposable.

You also might want to consider having some disposable gloves on hand for your guests!

Here are some examples of how painting the blocks might look like:

Or, you could just have your guests use permanent markers instead (much less messy though lower chic potential):

If you're planning of using glue, patterned squares, and stickers, then the organization is key to the best presentation, although it might still get messy with the Mod Podge so a disposable table covering is still recommended.

Another awesome tip is to have 'placemats' as each individual's work area, it also keeps things looking tidy.

Here are some examples of how gluing things onto the blocks might look like:

Once the set up is complete with the blocks, all of the design elements, and the sign, your guests will have no problem diving in and decorating.

If you prefer the blocks to be decorated a certain way, though, you might want to consider having a few examples on display and even having something watch over the area and help out.

12. Stamp Some Burp Cloths or Blankets


Via FindingSilverLinings

This is probably the simplest craft activity you could have at your baby shower.

It allows for your guests to have a little fun crafty hands-on time, the mom-to-be gets some really cute gifts out of it, and it doesn't take up a lot of time which allows for much more loads of socializing.

If you are looking for a less time-consuming activity for both prep and execution, this one is for you!

What You'll Need:

  • Your Choice of 'Baby Fabric' (you could use either burp cloths, blankets, or swaddles)
  • Your Choice of Stamps and Stamp Pads
  • An Instruction Sign andHanging Clothes Pins

How It Works:

All you need to do is set out the supplies along with the instruction sign and consider a way your guests could hang up their creations once they're finished.

And what's awesome is that this activity isn't messy so you can stick to your pristine theme without introducing an offsetting disposable table cover.

Just so you see how amazing this activity is, check out the creative possibilities!

Important Tips for Setting In the Ink (source)

  • Be sure to iron over each stamp print on the highest setting (use a separate piece of cloth over when you iron over the print) on both sides to set in the ink
  • Try not to wash your fabric for at least 2 weeks


There you have it!

The ultimate list of non-game baby shower ideas that are fun and hands-on and that ultimately give back to the mom-to-be.

I really hope these ideas and activities gave you a boost of inspiration for making your baby shower super exciting, especially if you were avoiding the typical baby shower games!

I know that I am even more stoked planning my own baby shower after compiling this list, I honestly had no idea that many of these were even used at parties!

Definitely going to start a new trend from where I'm at!

And if I missed an awesome baby shower activity/idea that you think should be included in this list, leave me a comment below and I'll add it for the other mommas that may happen upon this list!

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Until next time mommas!

Things to Do at a Baby Shower Without Games


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