Weight Loss 30 Kg Diet

With a fervent love for junk food and always careless about her weight, Saumya Yadav realized that she needed to stop her reckless behaviour as soon as some of her friends joined gym. Seeing their determination and realizing that they were fitter than her and still so driven, she realized that she needed to take her health and body much more seriously than she had been. Hence, started her weight loss journey as she joined gym and started religiously following a strict diet plan. Though she left gymming within a few months, she sticked to her diet and hence, lost a whopping 30 kilos in just seven months. Here's her journey from fat to fab.

Name: Saumya Yadav

Occupation: Student
Age: 24

Highest weight recorded: 87 kilos

Weight lost: 30 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: 7-8 months

The turning point: I started losing self confidence because of being overweight and started hating meeting people as I thought I didn't look good in the outfits I wore. I was worried about what people would say about my figure. In other words, I started hating myself for my self-created shape and I used to not believe in doing yoga or exercise as I believed in being carefree and eating what you love. But then, some of my friends joined gym and I saw them follow strict diet plans, how determined they were and the love they had for their bodies. This hit me somewhere deep in my heart. Then I thought about following fitness myself because if they could, even when they were not as fat as me, why could I not? Also, the excitement of how I would look after losing weight and how it would feel to be in a slim body shape drove me towards the path of fitness.


My breakfast:
Poha, sprouts, oats, milk with cornflakes (interchangeably)

My lunch: Dal, vegetable, roti, dahi, salad

My dinner: Salads and dal and no chapati

What you eat on your cheat days: There are no cheat days for me as I don't follow a fixed format or schedule of diet. I randomly indulge by keeping in mind the moderation factor.

My workout: I started with the gym and I used to work out there for 1-1:30 hours a day. My workout included treadmill, jumping, twisting, dumbbelling, and exercising a particular body part each day on the basis of what I was instructed by my instructor.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Oats, corn flakes, poha, dal

Fitness secrets I unveiled: I continued gym for three to four months only but with or without gym, I focused on my diet plan. I followed my own restricted dietary options as I had given up the mouth watering fast foods. I also gave up oily, deep fried foods, along with rice, potatoes, sugar, (almost every white thing which is not good for health).

How do I stay motivated? People used to say, "It would take you up to two years to come into a perfect shape as you have gained so much". But somewhere in my mind, I had decided. This kept me motivated even after I got results soon. Just after joining the gym and following a strict diet plan for a month, I had lost nine kilos. This got me so excited to see results of my hard work. The best part was that the tight-fitting clothes were now soft-fitting and some of them were getting loose too. Also, some of my very good friends kept me motivated as they used to tell me what to eat and what not to, which is the most crucial part of any weight loss journey. I would specially mention my family here as they are the most helpful and supportive people for me as they take proper care of what I need to eat and what not. Seeing my parents' dedication to keeping me fit kept me going.

How do you ensure you don't lose focus? It actually feels great when you start looking good because of a slimmer body shape. People start giving you compliments and you actually feel that having come so far and having done so much, now you can't give up and you have to achieve what you have put your mind to. So this way, I kept myself motivated and restrained myself from losing focus.

What's the most difficult part of being overweight? You can't get clothes of your choice, you don't look good as your body gets bulgy and you get conscious about wearing certain outfits. I hated seeing myself in the mirror as I thought I looked really fat. Low self confidence, feeling shy of meeting people and feeling laziness forever are the most difficult parts.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I just hope and wish I don't go back to the body shape I had earlier and wish to stay the same as I am right now. In fact, I would want to be fitter if I can. I want to be young and beautiful forever. (laughs)

What was the lowest point for you? Obviously it was not an easy task to go through but I think I have made all my lows into highs and I took all the bad comments or taunts as challenges. I think I have proven myself by losing 30 kilos, which is not a cakewalk and really takes a lot of hard work and patience to achieve.

Lessons learnt from weight loss: It is all up to us and how we take it for ourselves. Although it was not an easy journey to go through but I would say if you are determined enough and if you have made up your mind about achieving something, then there is nothing on this earth that could stop you. Also, never starve yourself. Eat proper, nutritious and balanced meals. Eat something healthy every two to three hours, drink plenty of water and never think like, now I have lost so much weight so I can eat anything. I am still following my planned diet and will follow it throughout my life.

Weight Loss 30 Kg Diet

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/weight-loss/weight-loss-inspiration-this-girl-lost-30-kgs-in-8-months-by-this-diet-plan/articleshow/64286652.cms

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