How to Upload Video to Square Space


Recently I found out you can't disable YouTube's "related videos" anymore.

This is an unwelcome alter. Prior to this change, you could embed a video onto your Squarespace website and with a couple of tweaks, YouTube would not display any related video content. Those days are over and now once your video is finished, YouTube volition display a drove of related videos on your website. This is not ideal as information technology gives your website visitors the choice to click off of your page—and possibly onto one of your competitor's videos. It is a fact, YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine on the net. Stepping away from YouTube and using another service might not be an option for your concern.

Here'due south what you can do near information technology…

YouTube didn't brand a big proclamation about this change, they just did it. I could not detectanything about information technology until I came beyond a forum thread titled:" YouTube embed showinfo has been deprecated".

The thread explainedas of Sept 25, 2018disabling related video has been disabled.

This is what YouTube had to say about the change:

"Titles, channel information, and related videos are an important part of YouTube's core user experience, and these changes assist to make the YouTube viewing experience consistent beyond different platforms" .

As much as I dislike this change, I take come to terms with the fact that YouTube's interests are not always aligned with my own. They are trying to run a business only like the balance of u.s..

Sadly, this means people visiting my website have a much higher adventure of clicking through to YouTube and not engaging with the content on my website. That is non expert news, but practice not despair as in that location is a way to bargain with this without abandoning YouTube altogether.

The Easiest Fix: Display Related Videos From Your YouTube Channel

Bold yous don't desire to step abroad from YouTube completely, the easiest way to deal with this upshot going forrard is to add rel=0 to the end of your Youtube video URL.

Here'southward how to do this:

Step 1: Click the SHARE button beneath the YouTube video you want to embed onto your Squarespace website.

Step 2: Click the Embed push when this box pops up.

Step three: A new window will open up and brandish some code that looks like this. Re-create the highlighted text to get the embed code.

Imbed YouTube Video the classy way.

Footstep 4: Insert a Squarespace Video Cake into the page or blog mail you are working on and click the embed push.

Stride 5: Paste the embed code from YouTube into the box provided.

Step six: Add "?rel=0" to the end of the Youtube URL and save your changes and yous're finished!

This means unrelated videos will not display at the end of your video, as long as you accept rel=0  at the end of your YouTube URL. Instead, you'll just have videos from your own channel pop upward which I think is a fair compromise considering the lack of alternatives.

Unless you want to discontinue using YouTube altogether, you should employ rel=0  at the cease of your videos. It will ensure that people will only see your videos, instead of videos from your competition, or random things unrelated to your business.

What If That's Not Good Enough?

When nosotros pattern an of import page (homepage, landing page or sales folio) for a client, we almost never use YouTube. It only doesn't make sense to allow a visitor to such an important folio the opportunity to click away. Fortunately, you do have a actually skillful alternative:


Vimeo has the option of both free and paid accounts. Free Vimeo accounts practice take a similar feature to YouTube called "Staff Picks" that will appear at the stop of each video. To eliminate this you will need to sign upwardly for a subscription that starts at just $7 a month. We recommend this solution for near of our clients, it simply looks so much cleaner and classier. For homepages, landing pages, sales pages or whatever other page on your website where y'all absolutely do not want your traffic potentially clicking away to a competitor, the $7 a month is money well spent.

Unlike YouTube, the power to not show related videos happens within your account settings, then you have to own the video in order to change this setting.

Our Conclusion

YouTube is still a not bad platform and an fantabulous way to become your videos out into the globe. Withal, if you are looking for a clean, classy way to put video content on your website, spring for the $vii and utilize Vimeo.


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